The ABUP SHOW presents the foremost trends and latest developments in the markets for home decoration, tableware, housewares, decorative textiles, gifts, handcrafts, and Brazilian original design.

Official name ABUP SHOW
Date august 12-15, 2025
Times august 12-15 | 10 am to 7 pm
Pick-up times for Credentials: from 9 am to 6 pm
Location PRO MAGNO Centro de Eventos
Av. Profa. Ida Kolb, 513 – Jardim das Laranjeiras, São Paulo – SP [Brazil]
Segments Home decoration, tableware, housewares, decorative textiles, gifts, handcrafts, and Brazilian original design.
Exhibitor Profile Industries, importers, distributors, wholesalers, and designers
Visitor profile Stores for decoration, tableware, housewares; department stores; hotels, cafeterias, restaurants, and bars; supermarkets; malls; hospitals; decoration and handcraft stores; decorators, designers, and landscapers.
Publicity ADS campaigns; marketing emails; Casa de Valentina studio and promotion; influencers; web portals, newspapers and magazines of the segment; sector entities.

ABUP SHOW is a business fair aimed exclusively at retailers and professionals in the area. It is not open to the general public.

The following will not be allowed:

  • Retail sale of goods;
  • Entry of children under 14, including infants.

Brazilian Association of Home Utility and Gift Companies (ABUP)
www.abup.com.br / abup@abup.com.br

Mais ABUP Connect with leading Decor, UD and Home Textiles suppliers